Home » Adventures Of A Pro Strongman

Adventures Of A Pro Strongman

By Josh Thigpen

In addition to training and competing, the life of a pro strongman is one of travel, adventure and stories! Multiple time World’s Strongest Man competitor Josh Thigpen has had a 20 plus year career and competed in 30 countries! He has competed with athletes of old to athletes of Today. Now he shares an incredible insight into what that life has been like. Here’s just a few of the stories and adventures he shares in Adventures of a Pro Strongman-

Adventures Of A Pro Strongman


  • -Getting surrounded by Afar warriors with machine guns and machetes on top of a volcanic mountain in Ethiopia and how he escaped.
  • Fighting through Polish mafia in a night club in Warsaw.
  • Feeding wild hyenas at night in Adis Ababa -Getting detained in Russia because they thought he was an assassin.
  • Competing amongst the ruins of an ancient Greek city on the Black sea.
  • Pulling a Ukrainian battleship into port with his barehands
  • Driving on death mountain to get to a hidden city in the mountains of Tibet.
  • Getting his ears cleaned at a Chinese opera and many more adventures!
  • Josh also talks about funny stories like accidentally paying 50 bucks to use the restroom in China –
  • The time someone asked him and Shaw if he was Shaw’s “oil guy” on a flight

Plus he goes into what it was like as a short, skinny, weak kid, even bullied by my his coach and what happened years later that brought it full circle. Josh even goes into steroids, battling addiction, fighting through career ending injuries to setting a world record What it’s like behind the scenes at World’s Strongest Man And Much More!!!! This unique one of a kind look into the life of a Pro Strongman should be in the library of every strongman. strength enthusiast and anyone who loves great stories and adventure! Get it now!!!

Adventures Of A Pro Strongman

Available as Both an E-book & audio book (MP3 format) order both for the best value!

Adventures Of A Pro Strongman

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