Gym Name Club Barbell
Location 1420 Pacific Place Suite D, Ferndale, WA 98248
Phone Number 360-922-3856
Email [email protected]
List of equipment
10 inch Log Farmer’s Carry Atlas Stones Sand Bags Kegs Axle Viking Press Prowler on turf Tires Most cardio/free weight equipment you would find in a gym.
GYM DESCRIPTION 7100 soft, 24/7, old school style gym with strongman training area.
Gym Name Aspire Athletics
Location 4100 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103
Phone Number (425) 681-8702
Email [email protected]
List of equipment Stones, sandbags, yoke, axles, husafell, 10″ and 12″ logs, farmers, sleds, circus dumbbells.
GYM DESCRIPTION Powerlifting / Olympic Lifting / Strongman gym
Type of gym gym with SOME strongman equipment