Berserker Strength and Conditioning
Location 9165 W. Chinden Blvd. Garden City ID 83714
Phone Number 208-991-7302
Email [email protected]
List of equipment Yoke, Kegs up to 300, farmers, Atlas Stones up to 360, Frame Dead Lift, Axle, Circus Dumbbell, Logs, Sand bags, Conans Wheel, 1k plus Tires
GYM DESCRIPTION Strongman, Body Building, and Power lifting gym. Open 24/7
Type of gym gym with SOME strongman equipment
The Trifecta Gym
Location: 1380 N. Whitley Dr. Fruitland, ID 83619
Phone Number 208-631-6288
Email [email protected]
List of equipment Yoke, Farmers Carry Handles, Heavy Tires, Atlas Stones up to 315 lbs., Heavy Sandbags, Loadable Circus Dumbbell, Log Bar, Push Sled
GYM DESCRIPTION Small Town Gym designed for Athletes, Strongmen, Powerlifters, and regular folks
Type of gym gym with SOME strongman equipment