Home » Josh Thigpen Breaks Mark Felix’s Dinnie Stone Record

Josh Thigpen Breaks Mark Felix’s Dinnie Stone Record

At the Rogue Invational Josh Thigpen attempted to break Mark Felix’s Dinnie Stone Replica record hold of 31.44 seconds and was able to hold on just a bit longer to break the record with a time of 31.77. You can pick up Josh Thigpen Grip Guide which is on sale for just $10 or buy either Cube Method For Strongman 3 or Cube Prime and get a free copy of the grip guide with your purchase!

The Grip Guide by Josh Thigpen

Was able to break the Rogue replica Dinnie stone world record this weekend at the @rogueinvitational with a time of 31.77! Previous record was held by Mark Felix at 31.4 so just barely beat it but ill take it. Found out from Jan Todd that the replicas are actually heavier than the original stones in Scotland. Would love to get my hands on the originals! Also tried my hand on the thors hammer, a fun weekend!

A year ago I couldn’t walk properly, was losing the use of my right leg, having focal seizures and my back mri was not looking good. I was actually told I needed to stop and wouldn’t be able to continue lifting…from that to setting a record. NEVER stop believing or fighting for your goals and what you love! Congrats to @martinslicis who overcame much as well to return and win the Rogue Invitation Strongman show!

I want to thank my team that supports me and believes in me. @cannixx_cbd truly has truly been a blessing for my recovery!! @chrisdavidson14has never stopped believing and supporting me! And of course, my beautiful Emma @etoileandlune, I love you!

Cube Method For Strongman 3
The Cube Method for Strongman Prime

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