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WATCH: The Commissioner of Power

Rogue Fitness has put out a documentary on the great lifter, historian and pioneer of strength Dr. Terry Todd. Watch it below

As a visionary and outlier, Terry Todd used his passion for writing, weight training and history to shape the Iron Game and its influence on people throughout the world. Terry was arguably the most familiar face and respected mind in the strength community. He was a former two-time national champion in powerlifting (1964-65) who extended his impact as a coach, writer/journalist, commentator, event director, educator and historian. A lifelong student of strength; he believed that, in learning from the greats of the past we could recognize and inspire greatness in ourselves and others. His unique ability to see potential, to connect people and history and to tell others’ stories are part of his equation that made a profound impact on people across sport and discipline. His wife and fellow strength icon Jan Todd (with whom Terry founded the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports in Austin, TX), powerlifting greats Larry Pacifico and Bill Kazmaier, NBA star Lance Blanks, and Olympic Weightlifter and Strongman champion Mark Henry are just some of the many modern-day greats that have been influenced by Terry’s vision.

Rogue Fitness Youtube Channel

Also watch Bill Kazmaier Remembering Terry Todd

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