By Paul Mouser
Who will be America’s Strongest Woman? When we toss out the weight limits, and roll out the red carpet for the HW women at ASM/ASW on November 7th & 8th, we will see 4 of the biggest, baddest, and best strongwomen in the United States go toe to toe for this coveted title. Let’s get right into this list of awesome athletes and get a little background on each:
Melissa Edwards – 2018 National Champion
Amanda Kelly – 2018 Nationals runner up
Jessica Fithen – 2019 Strongest Woman in the World
Cori Butler – Arnold Amateur Worlds runner up
This formidable foursome will face the following challenges:
Circus Dumbbell Press for Reps – 140lbs (64kg)
Sandbag Toss Over 13ft – 35, 35, 40, 40lbs (16, 16, 18, 18kg)
Basket Deadlift for Reps – 475lbs (215kg)
Arm Over Arm Truck Pull
Husafell Stone Carry for Max Distance – 280lbs (127kg)
Sandbag Carry & Load – 180, 210, 240, & 270lbs (82, 95, 109, 122kg)
I cannot in good conscious go any further without mentioning that sandbag medley. I know we are getting ahead of ourselves here, but I am beyond stoked to see who conquers that madness with a 270 (!!!) bag at the finish waiting for these poor exhausted souls as the final obstacle of a championship showdown. More on this later, just had to get that off my chest because, well, because it’s awesome that’s why. Yall still with me? Good, let’s get back on track then shall we kiddos?
Circus Dumbbell is the first event and I would have to be full blown undergrad-drunk to fail to mention Jessica Fithen here. Jessica has broken the log press world record on two separate occasions and has held the world block press record for 2 years straight now. I do not mean to slight anyone here but to pick against Jessica in a pressing event of any type is a fool’s gamble.
The Sandbag Toss is an interesting one, as I have not seen all these ladies compete in such an event. Amanda Kelly appears to be very consistent across disciplines, so I’m going to give Amanda a shot at a top spot here. Her 2018 Nationals performance was remarkable in that she had no weak event, so I will make the assumption that she does her homework on the events.
The Basket Deadlift may seem quite heavy at 475/215 for reps, but look for Melissa Edwards to go absolutely wild on this one and bang out rep after rep. Edwards is a former world record holder in the deadlift, and I just can’t see her letting a victory on this event slip from her grasp. This event is her bread and butter, and anyone planning to beat her better pack a lunch.
The Arm Over Arm Truck Pull kicks off Day 2 of America’s Strongest Woman, and this event entails pulling a rope attached to truck while in a seated position with the feet against a brace. Cori Butler has shown in events past that she has the grip and back power to excel at such an event. Her recent training has shown some impressive squatting as well, and that means she’ll have plenty of lower body power to push into the brace with. This event is Cori’s chance to wrestle points away from the more established Fithen if she can put together a flawless performance here.
Max Distance Husafell Carry is an incredibly taxing event that tests the body and mind. All these ladies are strong enough to put up a solid showing here, and all of them are tough enough to endure the discomfort as well. If you asked me why I think Jessica Fithen may be the one to take this event, I would simply point out that she took 1st place in every single event at Strongest Woman in the World 2019, so performances like that make her a wise choice to win just about anything.
And now we find ourselves back at that pesky little Sandbag Carry and Load event, with that 270lb bag at the end. No big deal right? Ha! This is a brutal way to the end the show, and that 270 bag is going to feel like it’s 350 by the time each athlete gets to it. Their backs, grip, legs, and hips will all be running on fumes so to speak by this point, so finishing this event in the 60 allotted seconds may be a tall mountain to climb for all of them. Amanda Kelly is no stranger to big medley performances to finish out a show, even beating Melissa Edwards by 2seconds in a medley in 2018. This one may come down to who has enough sheer brute strength left to load the last bag at all, so give me Fithen here, with Kelly in 2nd.
Jessica Fithen is the woman to beat here, and should anyone else take the crown at ASW 2020, that athlete may find herself suddenly considered not just the best in America, but one of the best in the world. Four athletes may not seem like a gigantic roster on which to base such a major title, but these four women make up in quality what may be missing in quantity. Can Melissa, Amanda, or Cori keep Jessica from adding another title to her resume? What do you think folks? Who will earn the crown on November 7th and 8th at Strongman Corporation’s America’s Strongest Man/Woman in Savannah, GA?
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