Home » WATCH: The Rogue Legends Series – Chapter 2: Louis “Apollon” Uni

WATCH: The Rogue Legends Series – Chapter 2: Louis “Apollon” Uni

Rogue Fitness releases another great video about Strongman of the past. Watch before you head out for Strongman Saturday.

“Apollon, born Louis Uni in Marsillargues in 1862, was a massively influential French strongman and performer. Cutting a large figure from a young age, Apollon ran away from home at the age of 14 to join the circus as a strongman. Apollon was noted for his grip strength but his brute strength was notable as well — the frenchman could clean and jerk 341 lbs. and famously hoisted two train wheels, weighing 366 lbs., overhead. This is where the familiar strongman implement “Apollon’s Wheels” gets its name.” In our second Legend’s series installment, we visit Apollon’s hometown as well as some notable locations from the strongman’s life.”

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