Home » Zydrunas Savickas Wins 2017 Giants Live Finals

Zydrunas Savickas Wins 2017 Giants Live Finals

After 5 grueling events it all came down to the Atlas Stones with just 5.5 points separating the top 6 it was anyones game.

Hollands went first and looked strong but his back locked up loading the first stone, Imagine getting used to the new lower bodyweight. His cramps eventually subsided and he walked off fine.


Then Oberst went against Best and Oberst got a huge round of boo’s from the crowd probably to Oberst earlier comments when Colin Bryce “how are you enjoying England?” Oberst replies “Other than the people, food and weather its great”


Loz and Misha both look very tight in their backs Misha loads the 5th right before time while Loz gets 4 You can see the 400kg deadlift looks its toll on them.

Bibby vs Savickas: Z looks like the strongest man of all time and places all 5 fast on the platform as if they were pillows with a time of 20.16 seconds. Bibby looks strong but his experience shows as he is timid loading placing the stones at the top, takes a break before the 5th to catch his breath and get the crowd involved. then goes on to load it. Bibby tells Kaz its his first time to finish the stones so he is happy.

JF Caron sitting in 2nd vs the leader Janashia


Caron looked to be wanting to make a statement that he deserves more respect in the Strongman circuit and was fast edging ahead of Janashia after around the third stone for a time of 22.52 Janashia took a break then loaded the 5th stone.

After the scores were counted Robert Oberst got second in the Atlas Stones sneaking in between Zydrunas Savickas who took first and J.F Caron third to give Zydrunas the points gap he needed to take the win after the worst injury of his career big Z is BACK.


Featured Image and screenshots from Giants-Live.com

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