Strongman News
The Giants Live Finals in Manchester, England is just a few hours away, being dubbed “Giants Live: The Official World’s Strongest Man Tour Finals” and will be “World’s Strongest Man-in-a-Day”. Will feature the World Deadlift Championships but it will be reps with 881lbs/400kgs instead of max weight as past years. The event features the top Strongmen in the world including current Worlds Strongest Man Eddie Hall and you can watch it live.
Deadlift for Reps – 881lbs/400kgs
Log for Reps – 330lbs/150kgs
Yoke – 1000lbs/453.5kgs for 66’/20m
Frame – 992lbs/450kgs for 66’/20m
Atlas Stones – 5 stones from 265lbs – 441lbs/120kgs – 200kgs
Athlete List
Eddie ‘The Beast’ Hall. GBR
Zydrunas ‘Big Z’ Savickas LTU
Vytoutas Lalas. LTU
Terry Hollands GBR
Jerry Pritchett USA
Laurence Shahlaei GBR
Benni Magnusson (Deadlift Only) ISL
J.F. Caron CAN
Misha Shevlyakov RUS
Robert Oberst USA
Konstantine Janashia GEO
Graham Hicks GBR
Nick Best USA
How To Watch
Starts at 9am PST, 12pm EST 5pm Manchester
You can purchase live stream access from Giants-Live
Click HERE (costs 19.99)

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